Differentials & IVT Applications

Independent solo projects exploring the utility of epicyclic and differential gearing with VEX parts, designing motor sharing for multiple systems, swerve drives and infinitely variable transmissions.

Epicyclic gearing drivetrain design, creating a Infinitely Variable Transmission by the combinations of 2 or more motor speeds. Graph demonstrates the power and torque performance benefits of the gearbox over a motor, useful for high torque + high speed applications and faster acceleration.

Holonomic (strafing drivetrain) version of the epicyclic gearbox. Graph demonstrates the peak power speeds and torques of the drivetrain at given movement direction (90 degrees is forwards).

6 motor mecanum wheel version of the epicyclic gearbox, utilizing a shared motor between the front and back wheels. Graph demonstrates that power drops slightly when strafing and the wheels move opposite directions.

4 motor variant of a swerve drive, with the equivalent movement power and more movement capabilities than a standard 8 motor swerve drive. Uses differentials to split power and omni wheels for variable mechanical advantage.


Combat Robotics - "Washing Machine"